CARD Launches First-Ever Awramba Index 2015 EC
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – December 27, 2023 – The Center for the Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD) announced today the launch of the Awramba Index 2015 EC, a groundbreaking report assessing the progress of democratization with human rights values in Ethiopia's federation and its member states. This inaugural report marks a significant milestone in promoting transparency and accountability in the country's democratic journey.
The Awramba Index, named after named after an Ethiopian intentional community of more than 400 people founded in the 1980 at the Fogera woreda of Debub Gondar Zone. Awramba gives inspiration to the index in that its governance was intentionally shaped by people of will. Awramba Index 2015 EC, based on the Ethiopian calendar, focuses on the democratization progresses or regresses of the year 2015 and analyzes the performance of five regional states as well as federally self-administering city of Addis Ababa. Using a predefined methodology, the report provides comprehensive qualitative and quantitative assessments of each region's progress in areas such as political participation, rule of law, freedom of expression, and human rights protection.
"The Awramba Index is a critical tool for monitoring genuine democratization in Ethiopia," said Befekadu Hailu, Executive Director at CARD. "By providing objective and data-driven monitoring, documentation, and reporting, we hope to help members of the federations to compete with their own progresses as well as other members of the federation in terms of democratization."
The launch of the Awramba Index comes at a pivotal moment in Ethiopia. Following years of political unrest and reforms, the country is now navigating a complex transition towards a more inclusive and democratic society. Awramba Index provides a valuable resource for policymakers, civil society organizations, and the Ethiopian people to track progress, identify challenges, and work together towards a brighter future.
The official launch of the Awramba Index 2015 EC takes place on December 27, 2027 in the capital hotel. The report is available online and in print, and CARD hosts a public discussion event to delve deeper into the findings and recommendations.
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