Update on the Lifting of Suspension of CARD
Update on the Lifting of Suspension of CARD
12 December 2024
Addis Ababa
We would like to announce that the suspension of the Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD) by the Authority for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO), imposed on 12 November 2024, has been lifted as of 11 December 2024. This resolution follows our persistent engagements with ACSO and other relevant authorities.
CARD has fully cooperated with the Monitoring and Inspection Team sent by ACSO throughout the investigation process, albeit the lifting of the suspension came with a warning. AS we welcome the lifting of the suspension that ensures the resumption of our operations, CARD would continue to engage with ACSO and other relevant stakeholders to address the terms included in the suspension in a manner that safeguards our integrity, values and reputation.
Finally, to all CARD families and friends, who stood by our side, amplified our voices and provided unwavering support during these challenging times, we would like to say thank you, your support and solidarity all long was greatly appreciated.
With solidarity,
Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD)
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